How to size a solar pool heater
Sizing a solar pool heater is simple and can be completed in just a few steps.
Step 1 Calculate Swimming Pool Surface Area
Heat loss occurs at the surface, so you must know the Pool’s Area (L x W) when sizing a system.
Step 2 Evaluate Pool Shading
Determine the percentage of area and length of time any area of the pool is covered with shade during the Solar Window (9am-5pm). Using the Pool Shading chart below, determine the Shading Factor simply by choosing appropriate percentage and the corresponding factor number.
• Enter the following values for:
• Open Pool - 1.0
• Screened Pool - 1.1
• Shaded Pool - 1.15
• Screened & Shaded Pool – 1.25
Step 3 Select Roof Orientation
Determine the directional orientation of the roof. Select roof area based on fit, function, appearance, and direction. Note: A south facing roof area offers optimal efficiency.
Using the Roof Orientation chart below, determine the Orientation Factor simply by choosing the appropriate roof direction and the corresponding factor number. If you think you will need to install your panels on multiple roof locations facing multiple directions use the direction that is the least efficient.
• South Facing 1.00
• East Facing 1.25
• West Facing 1.25
Step 4 Solar Panel Surface Area
Standard Techno-Solis Panel Sizes:
• 4 x 12 = 48 Ft²
• 4 x 10 = 40 Ft²
• 4 x 08 = 32 Ft²
Step 5 Determine Your Regional Swimming Season
Outside of Florida - Using the map below, find your location, then choose the corresponding factor number. If you are located between two or more numbers, use the average. When in doubt, use the larger number.
Florida Residents - Using the chart, find your location, then choose the corresponding factor number. If you are located between two numbers, use the average. When in doubt, use the larger
Step 6 Calculate Number of Panels
Use the formula below to calculate the necessary number of panels: